Create Your Own Difficult Situation Social distance Face Shield Novel Corona Virus COVID19 Headway
As many parts of the world are now
opening up and relaxing of the stay home Social Distance is the new normal! The Novel Coronavirus COVID19 has and is changing people lives. Let’s all remember that the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease with its sources which have not well been established but people are making headway with the finding Novel Coronavirus COVID19 vaccines worldwide in order to help eradicate this newly discovered coronavirus pandemic.
What is this Novel Coronavirus COVID19? On February 11th 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the name of the disease coronavirus disease as COVID-19. The medical experts define the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) as an infectious illness caused by a novel coronavirus now also known as severe acute respiratory syndrome.
For those who think
that the disease is not real, don’t get fooled. It is has killed thousands and many people worldwide are still battling with this pandemic.The need for rethinking what to do and what not to is crucial. While there are guidelines of what to do and what not to do during this coronavirus pandemic, according to the experts, there are ways of preventing yourself from spreading the virus and protecting yourself from the corona virus as well.
As the experts say
you need to protect yourself in order not to spread or not to become a victim, sometimes it’s the motivational that we need to bring live to our present state of living and push the fear aside but encouraging one another in following what experts tell us. Remember the basic of washing hands with soap or with sanitizer but on the other hand as social creatures touching our faces is always inevitable.
A great way to change that reality is there the corona virus pandemic. Keep hands to yourself for as much as possible. Remember no handshakes, no touching face, and where possible definitely no kissing while greeting one another and most of all lets all keep that social distance. Washing hands should be the new normal. Let’s all get used to it and All will be well.
Stay Safe