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Showing posts with label corona virus COVID19. Show all posts

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Kenya Pamoja Hakuna Matata We are Stronger Together The Good Days are The Next Nine Miles

Kenya Pamoja Hakuna Matata We are Stronger Together The Good Days are The Next Nine Miles

Beautiful amazing inspired social distancing PPE cotton face mask for your Protection

The Kenyan flag with the beautiful colors of black being at the top, red in the center and green at the bottom is one of the proudest countries as the capital of the world safaris. Guess what Hakuna Matata one of the most spoke Swahili phrase which has not only been made famous in movies and songs might just have its roots in Kenya.

The cool Swahili words Jambo Habari is the most common greeting shared by many of the African speaking nations and almost every tourist who has visited Kenya and specially on an animal safari sees how this nation symbol brings the Kenyans closer to their national flag and the beautiful emblem which is the national souvenir that all men and women, boys and girls cherish to be part of this beautiful country blessed with plenty of vast flora and fauna from east to west and north and south.

 From the tip of Mount Kenya to the shores of Lake Victoria and the India Ocean with the coastal people Words. Mombasa Raha. Lets all remember we are all in this together. Lets help stop the coronavirus COVID19 world health pandemic.
We will survive. Stay safe 

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